Did Sprint Just Sell Its Soul for the iPhone?

Just got an email from John Melloy over at CNBC with news of a lowered forecast on Sprint from Goldman Sachs. Here’s a portion of the note from Goldman:

Walking through our iPhone forecasts.

The launch of the iPhone is an important

milestone for Sprint in its ability to compete on level footing with regards to handsets.

However, the device carries significant upfront margin dilution, and we think Sprint will

struggle more than others to be able to absorb the impact. We currently estimate 1.6mn

iPhone sales during 4Q11, driving record-low margins of 11.3% (noting some

incremental qoq pressure from Network Vision as well). We estimate 7.7mn iPhone sales

in 2012, and 9.9mn in 2013 (see exhibit 6). Our forecasts imply Sprint takes roughly 20%

of total iPhone sales between 4Q11-2013, compared to an 18% share of total postpaid

subscribers among iPhone carriers (AT&T/Verizon/Sprint). Given the elevated subsidy the

device carries, as well as iDEN migrations Sprint will need to work through with an

accelerated Network Vision rollout (iDEN shutdown by 2013), we expect net equipment

subsidy to be elevated. This is a key driver of our lowered EBITDA forecasts for 2012/2013.