There are a few posts from my old tumblog that continue to get a bunch of hits and, god bless the $GOOG, they look to me like some of the best ones i did. So I figured I would edit them a bit and repost them here on the new blog. This first one fits beautifully into the StockTwits University Project and might be useful to some readers.
I have had the opportunity to talk with a number of very successful traders over the years and have found that even while their trading styles and asset classes of choice differ, they all tend to share a few common attributes which separate them from less successful traders and which I believe contribute to a significant portion of their profitability.
I have traded equities profitably for a number of years myself and have applied similar rational behaviors to my own routine that have served me well.
One in particular stands out as crucial and so I will begin there.
Every winning trader that I know habitually takes losses quickly before they become outsized.
Continue reading “Learning To Take Small Losses Quickly (Revisited)”