Is Instagram Bigger Than Facebook?

My pal Eric Jackson wrote a sharp piece comparing Facebook & Twitter over @ Forbes.

Eric has been negative $FB since before it was in and right as Spring rain about it.

Most recently, Eric riffs on how Twitter is already bigger than $FB and he focuses on mobile ad revenue and Twitter being the more mobile native.

Go read the piece here.

Eric may be right, I’m not sure I buy it but still I love the smart provocation.

What I do know though, is that Instagram is bigger than Twitter.

Wait, what?

Check out the graphic from Ryan Tate’s excellent Wired piece entitled Instagram Use Is Exploding.

Tate also points out that Instagram is even more mobile native than Twitter and that it is growing absurdly fast.

As most of you know, $FB owns Instagram. When they bought ’em, I’m sure many believed $FB was overpaying big time and news later surfaced that Twitter was also in the fray bidding.

No wonder why.

Perhaps, Instagram is already worth more than either $FB or Twitter. :)

If we buy into both Jackson’s piece and the implications of The Wired piece the logic goes something like this…

Twitter is bigger than Facebook.

Instagram is bigger than Twitter.

Therefore. Instagram is bigger than Facebook.

 Just having a bit of fun y’all…. or am I?